Posts Tagged ‘workshop’


Workshop to Improve Your NIH F31 Fellowship Application

February 2, 2012

Applying for an NIH F31 or F31 Diversity fellowship this year?

Come to OGS’s workshop to get tips on how to woo the reviewers!

When: Monday, February 27
2:30-4:00 PM
Where: Price Center – Red Shoe Room

-Dr. Peter Wagner, professor emeritus and longtime NIH reviewer
-Kelly Landy, current UCSD F31 recipient
-Another current F31 recipient, TBD
-Zoe Ziliak Michel, grad fellowship advisor

Topics covered:
-What reviewers like to see
-How to organize your proposal
-What to emphasize vs. what not to say
-Logistics of submitting your proposal
-Your questions, of course

Plus! Plus! Plus!

Bring a draft of your Specific Aims document and have it critiqued by one of our speakers!

Questions about the workshop can be directed to Zoe Ziliak Michel, gradadvisor AT ucsd DOT edu.

We hope to see you there!


Any requests for workshop content?

January 6, 2012

Hello Humanists!

I’ve been invited to coordinate a workshop at the UCSD Center for the Humanities in late February or early March. At the workshop, I’ll cover how to search for humanities funding, some grant writing tips, timing your applications, etc. Since it’s a workshop rather than a speech, we want to have some activities for the participants (you). I have some ideas, but I’d welcome more. What would you find helpful at a workshop of this type? What information would you like me to cover? How can I best help you?

If you have ideas or requests, please comment here or email me at gradadvisor AT ucsd DOT edu.

Update: The workshop is now scheduled for Thursday, February 23, from 1:30 to 3:00. I’ll post more details at a later date.